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Florida Forest Service County Foresters

The Florida Forest Service’s County Foresters provide technical assistance to help private forestland owners implement sustainable forestry principles on their lands. 

Call your FFS County Forester for information about:

  1. Disease/Pest Problems
  2. Tree identification
  3. City/County Ordinances
  4. Advice for pruning, tree removal, and fertilization.
  5. Urban Forestry Consultant List
  6. Landscape Business List
  7. Tree Removal Business List
  8. Material/Equipment Vendor List
  9. Upcoming Educational Workshops

An owner of at least 10 forested acres can receive:

  1. Current Timber Market
  2. Information on Federal Cost-share Programs
  3. Area Burning Regulations
  4. Prescribed Fire Management Plan
  5. Forest Management Plan
  6. Forest Consultant List
  7. Tree Planting Contractor List
  8. Timber Buyer List
  9. Master Logger List
  10. Best Management Practices