The Master Logger Search Tool
We do not offer legal, accounting, financial and other professional counseling or referral services. We do not assume any responsibility for the actual practices of the Master Loggers listed on this web site. We encourage landowners and other interested parties to contact an attorney and/or professional forester for help in developing a logging contract.

Master Logger Training
We administer the Master Logger program for the Florida-State Implementation Committee (FL-SIC). Loggers who are aware of their role as responsible professionals are better equipped to protect the environment. That’s why we train loggers and others to improve their forestry practices and learn about the value of forests.
Register for upcoming trainings
To register online for either the upcoming CLE training workshops or the Core initial training, please click here.
To register using mail-in form and check, please use the appropriate form below:
Florida Master Logger CLE Training Workshops 2025
Florida Master Logger Core Initial Training 2025
If you took a class outside of the association, you can register your credits by completing the 2025 CLE Renewal Application and mail your payment to the Association.
Early registration is recommended (form and payment must be received prior to a workshop). Walk-ins are not accepted at any of the training workshops.